Date: 15th August 2016
Happy Independence Day!
Its a funny word 'Independence'. India got independence on 15th August 1947.
Does India realize what it means?
Does Independence mean the right to choose our own government?
Does it mean having a right to put forward your opinions?
Does it mean having the right to choose your profession or house or life partner or anything that an independent individual might ever want?
or it simply means having the option to choose what you want?
A child is independent to move around when he learns to walk. It is independent to voice his views when he learns to talk. A person becomes financially independent when he starts to earn. He/She is free to love, free to laugh, free to care in an independent country.
But how much do we really understand what independence means to us as a country or as an individual ourselves...
We are free to choose our careers...yet we take the most traveled path!
We are free to speak...yet we hesitate in public!
We are free to feel good about ourselves...yet most of us are dependent on the opinions of others.
Most of us, emotionally dependent, on someone who has no idea what your emotions are, because we ourselves don't know exactly what they are!
We feel vulnerable talking about what we its some deep secret in our brains!
This independence day lets take a step in knowing ourselves better, for the sake of the people we love and for the people who love us!
This is to knowing what independence means to us and why is it so important to us...and not just for the country independent country but as an independent human being!
Lets go deep into ourselves and dig out the most important person you don't know. :)